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Aleo Oracle SDK#

To access the API, create an Oracle client. The client gives access to requesting attestation of HTTPS resources.

It also includes a function to test your Attestation Data selectors without performing actual attestation.

SDK errors

All client methods may throw errors.

Golang SDK returns an error along with the client when you create a client but it returns a list of errors along the list of results for client's methods.

See Errors for more information.

Create new Oracle client#

An Oracle client may use more than one notarization enclaves under the hood, therefore all Client's methods return arrays of results.



const { OracleClient } = require('@zkportal/aleo-oracle-sdk');

const client = new OracleClient(); // will use default notarizer and verifier
const { OracleClient } = require('@zkportal/aleo-oracle-sdk');

const client = new OracleClient({
  notarizer: {
    address: "localhost",
    port: 8080,
    https: false,
    resolve: false,
  verifier: {
    address: "localhost",
    port: 8081,
    https: false,
    resolve: false,
import oracle ""

func main() {
  client, err := oracle.NewClient() // will use default notarizer and verifier
  if err != nil {
import oracle ""

func main() {
  client, err := oracle.NewClient(&oracle.ClientConfig{
    NotarizerConfig: &oracle.CustomBackendConfig{
      Address: "localhost",
      Port: 8080,
      HTTPS: false,
      Resolve: false,
    VerifierConfig: &oracle.CustomBackendConfig{
      Address: "localhost",
      Port: 8081,
      HTTPS: false,
      Resolve: false,

  if err != nil {

Get enclave information#

Requests information about enclaves that Notarization Backend is running in. Can be used to get such important information, like security level or Enclave Unique ID, which can be used to verify that Notarization Backend is running the expected version of the code.



const enclavesInfo = await client.enclavesInfo();
infoList, errList := client.GetEnclavesInfo()

Test Attestation Data selector#

This function can be used to test your requests without performing attestation and verification. Notarization Backend will try to request the attestation target and extract data with the provided selector. You can use the same request that you would use for the Notarize method to see if the Notarization Backend is able to get your data and correctly extract it. You will be able to see as a result the full response body, extracted data, response status code and errors if there are any.



const request = {
  url: '',
  requestMethod: 'GET',
  responseFormat: 'html',
  htmlResultType: 'value',
  selector: '/html/head/title',
  encodingOptions: {
    value: 'string'
const debugResponses = await client.testSelector(request);
request := &AttestationRequest{
  URL:            "",
  RequestMethod:  "GET",
  ResponseFormat: "html",
  HtmlResultType: "value",
  Selector:       "/html/head/title",
  EncodingOptions: EncodingOptions{
    Value:     "string",
debuResponses, errList := client.TestSelector(request)

Notarize and attest#

Requests notarization of the data at the provided URL and attestation of the data extracted from it using the provided selector. Attestation is created by one or more TEE. If more than one is used, all attestation requests should succeed.

It is highly recommended to use time insensitive historic data for notarization. In case of using live data, other people might see different results when requesting the same url with the same parameters.



const request = {
  url: '',
  requestMethod: 'GET',
  responseFormat: 'html',
  htmlResultType: 'value',
  selector: '/html/head/title',
  encodingOptions: {
    value: 'string'
const attestedResponses = await client.notarize(request);
request := &AttestationRequest{
  URL:            "",
  RequestMethod:  "GET",
  ResponseFormat: "html",
  HtmlResultType: "value",
  Selector:       "/html/head/title",
  EncodingOptions: EncodingOptions{
    Value:     "string",
attestedResponses, errList := client.Notarize(request)

Get an attested random number#

The SDKs provide a method for getting an attested unsigned random number. It works similarly to the notarization flow but the notarization backend doesn't perform any outgoing HTTP requests.

The method requires an exclusive upper bound max for generating a random number on interval [0, max). The max value can be found in the attestation request URL in the attestation response.

The upper limit corresponds to the maximum value of Leo's u128 - 340282366920938463463374607431768211456.

