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Self-hosting Aleo Oracle verifier#

Verification backend

At this moment the Aleo blockchain cannot natively verify our TEE report. To allow for a transparent verification of the attested data we are making a backend available for everyone to run and verify that each oracle update actually carries a valid TEE report. This does not require the user to have a TEE themselves. As soon as Aleo is able to verify e.g. ECDSA signatures natively this will become superfluous.



Hosting your own PCCS

If you choose to host your own PCCS, make sure that it uses at least DCAP 1.19.

Running in Docker#

In the repository you will find a docker-compose.yml file. Set API_KEY environment variable for pccs service.

Get an API key for PCCS

To get your free API key, go to IntelĀ® Provisioning Certification Service for ECDSA Attestation, create an account and click on "Subscribe".

You can optionally also set ADMINPASS environment variable if you're planning to use administrative endpoints or IntelĀ® SGX Pccs Admin Tool.

Adjust the configuration in config.json (See the Configuration section below) before building the containers

docker compose build

then start them with

docker compose up -d

You can also change the config after you build the images, you just need to mount config.json to /app/config.json in the verification-backend service.


The program looks for config.json in the working directory.

Key Description Required
port The port to bind to for the HTTP server yes
useTls Enable HTTPS for the server. Makes tlsKey and tlsCert required. no
tlsKey Path to the PEM certificate key for HTTPS. depends on useTls
tlsCert Path to the PEM certificate for HTTPS. depends on useTls
uniqueIdTarget Target enclave unique ID as returned by - 32-byte hex or base64 string no
liveCheck Configuration object for querying a live Aleo program's unique ID assertion yes

liveCheck configuration object: | Key | Description | | --- | --- | | skip | If true, then will use the unique ID from your reproducible build or configuration and will not query the deployed program | | apiBaseUrl | Base URL for Aleo node API, e.g. the official Aleo explorer | | contractName | Aleo program name that has a unique_id mapping with the ID stored at keys 1u8 and 2u8, e.g. "official_oracle.aleo" |

Setting up the target enclave unique ID#

When decoding and verifying enclave reports, this backend will compare the report's unique ID with the configured target unique ID. This means that this backend will be asserting the source code and configuration of the enclave that produced the report, thus verifying the code running in the Oracle backend enclave.

The target unique ID is cross-checked using two sources: the reproducible build of the Oracle backend and a configured unique ID from an Aleo program that will be using the reports.

Reproducing a build of the Oracle backend ensures that the report-producing enclave is running the exact source code version this backend expects.

Aleo programs that utilize attestations from the Oracle need to perform certain assertions on an attestation and its report. One of the assertions verifies the unique ID of the enclave. By querying the unique ID from the program, this backend ensures that the program is aware of the Oracle backend's current source code version and that it will be able to accept a report from it, given that all other assertions pass.

Query the notarizer for it's unique ID#

You can choose to verify the currently running default notarization backend. You can query to get it's unique ID:

  "reportType": "sgx",
  "info": {
    "securityVersion": 1,
    "debug": false,
    "uniqueId": "anFSoXzL+JMgfVI5DFplOMB2kqU01RJpopwqlKt7YQ4=",
    "aleoUniqueId": [
    "signerId": "9H4s7YPOeZFug8XZRRRlc+Z7Vfit98IfkZsrDpb+Dxs=",
    "aleoSignerId": [
    "aleoProductId": "1u128",
    "tcbStatus": 7
  "signerPubKey": "aleo1sv3qtg8r4a0r9jc39n2jlg238pnjmdrv0v8sjd7y5e087y6u7cqq4qpmg0"

Use the info.uniqueId in the configuration file in uniqueIdTarget.

curl -s -q | jq -r '.info.uniqueId'

Reproducible build#

You can get the reproducible unique ID of the Oracle backend by running Use ./ -h to get help.

The script will download the root CA certificate bundle and Oracle backend source code, then build an enclave (requires EGo).

The script can be configured with the following environment variables:

Variable Description Default value
TEMP_WD A temporary working directory, where the script will be downloading files. It will be deleted automatically. A random directory in the current working directory.
CA_CERT_DATE CA file revisions per date of appearance as found at 2023-12-12
ORACLE_REVISION Git branch, or commit hash, or tag of Oracle backend to use for reproducible build master

The produced output is:

Oracle unique ID:
<unique ID>

Use that unique ID in config.json to configure the target unique ID. If the configuration file doesn't have the target unique ID configured, this backend will itself run the script. The same environment variables can be passed to the backend; the script will inherit the environment.

Aleo program's configured unique ID#

If the live check in the configuration is not skipped, this backend will query an Aleo node for the configured Aleo program and get the unique ID that the program uses for unique ID assertions on the enclave reports.

The querying is done once at startup. If the obtained unique ID doesn't match the unique ID from the reproducible build, the backend will exit with an error.

Use the configuration liveCheck.skip to skip it.

Building and running#

If EGo is installed with snap, run with:

EGOPATH=/snap/ego-dev/current/opt/ego CGO_CFLAGS=-I$EGOPATH/include CGO_LDFLAGS=-L$EGOPATH/lib go run main.go

If EGo is installed from a deb package, run with:

CGO_CFLAGS=-I/opt/ego/include CGO_LDFLAGS=-L/opt/ego/lib go run main.go

Each update on the blockchain carries also the report attesting to the data. Therefore, all data that is required to check the origin and security of the oracle data can be obtained via the blockchain. E.g. from<transactionId>

Backend information#


Returns some basic information about the backend configuration. Includes the target enclave unique ID for verification (in different encoding), the name of the Aleo program to query for the unique ID, and the time and date of the backend launch.

Method: GET

Response headers: - Content-Type: application/json

Response body:

  "targetUniqueId": {
    "hexEncoded": "",
    "base64Encoded": "",
    "aleoEncoded": [
  "liveCheckProgram": "",
  "startTimeUTC": ""
Example response
  "targetUniqueId": {
    "hexEncoded": "b3792d41372302f4b41d16d0311cc19a87e0d5cbfb7f47b38501d83f92c899fc",
    "base64Encoded": "s3ktQTcjAvS0HRbQMRzBmofg1cv7f0ezhQHYP5LImfw=",
    "aleoEncoded": [
  "liveCheckProgram": "oracle.aleo",
  "startTimeUTC": "2024-04-23 18:35:21"

Decoding report data from Leo contracts#


Method: POST

Request headers: - Content-Type: application/json

Request body:

  "userData": "struct ReportData Leo value",
Example request
  "userData": "{  c0: {    f0: 83078175999433947992440321595670532u128,    f1: 4194512u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 1703169427u128,    f4: 200u128,    f5: 146741781957618190040822128409835696737u128,    f6: 152036601506766190083586533414400257325u128,    f7: 68109414375938033788076837889450272867u128,    f8: 134773639525141431732596543682390863416u128,    f9: 133418429601737771259984878976133183293u128,    f10: 134450312385956222643437753982911870049u128,    f11: 60070679775571722300437058720291054702u128,    f12: 156118725222190617104317614334339854642u128,    f13: 109u128,    f14: 121200813359967904192723595955179970916u128,    f15: 23856u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 5522759u128,    f18: 36893488147419103234u128,    f19: 221360928884514619396u128,    f20: 13055389343712134841237569546u128,    f21: 13856407623565317u128,    f22: 156035770564570580066107481452631621659u128,    f23: 3900269670161044694030315513202u128,    f24: 162743726813863731210145153184655802480u128,    f25: 101188681738744639914108759155086748777u128,    f26: 149456393680743922584091041160660086377u128,    f27: 42816717959947032433996830433837802860u128,    f28: 132119436183189587630719372684727700264u128,    f29: 64042929165508395635299690384626118507u128,    f30: 61431102749981217983499061483759611950u128,    f31: 13875u128  },  c1: {    f0: 55340232221128654848u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c2: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c3: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c4: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c5: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c6: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c7: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  }}"

Response headers: - Content-Type: application/json

Response body:

Note: depending on the success value, either decodedData or errorString exist.

In decodedData, properties htmlResultType, requestBody, and requestContentType are optional strings.

For more information on decodedData properties, see documentation for AttestationResponse in the Aleo Oracle documentation.

  "decodedData": {
    "url": "",
    "requestMethod": "",
    "selector": "",
    "responseFormat": "",
    "requestHeaders": {
      "Header name": ""
    "encodingOptions": {
      "value": "",
      "precision": 0
    "htmlResultType": null,
    "requestBody": null,
    "requestContentType": null,
    "attestationData": "",
    "responseStatusCode": 200,
    "timestamp": 0
  "success": true,
  "errorString": ""
Example response
  "decodedData": {
    "url": "",
    "requestMethod": "GET",
    "selector": "daily.rain_sum.[0]",
    "responseFormat": "json",
    "requestHeaders": {
      "Accept": "*/*",
      "DNT": "1",
      "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
      "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
    "encodingOptions": {
      "value": "float",
      "precision": 2
    "attestationData": "0.00",
    "responseStatusCode": 200,
    "timestamp": 1703169427
  "success": true

Decoding and verifying report from Leo contracts#


Method: POST

Request headers: - Content-Type: application/json

Request body:

  "userData": "struct ReportData Leo value",
  "report": "struct Report Leo value"
Example request
  "userData": "{  c0: {    f0: 83078175999433947992440321595670532u128,    f1: 4194512u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 1703169427u128,    f4: 200u128,    f5: 146741781957618190040822128409835696737u128,    f6: 152036601506766190083586533414400257325u128,    f7: 68109414375938033788076837889450272867u128,    f8: 134773639525141431732596543682390863416u128,    f9: 133418429601737771259984878976133183293u128,    f10: 134450312385956222643437753982911870049u128,    f11: 60070679775571722300437058720291054702u128,    f12: 156118725222190617104317614334339854642u128,    f13: 109u128,    f14: 121200813359967904192723595955179970916u128,    f15: 23856u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 5522759u128,    f18: 36893488147419103234u128,    f19: 221360928884514619396u128,    f20: 13055389343712134841237569546u128,    f21: 13856407623565317u128,    f22: 156035770564570580066107481452631621659u128,    f23: 3900269670161044694030315513202u128,    f24: 162743726813863731210145153184655802480u128,    f25: 101188681738744639914108759155086748777u128,    f26: 149456393680743922584091041160660086377u128,    f27: 42816717959947032433996830433837802860u128,    f28: 132119436183189587630719372684727700264u128,    f29: 64042929165508395635299690384626118507u128,    f30: 61431102749981217983499061483759611950u128,    f31: 13875u128  },  c1: {    f0: 55340232221128654848u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c2: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c3: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c4: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c5: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c6: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  },  c7: {    f0: 0u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  }}",
  "report": "{  c0: {    f0: 84855022739072527368193u128,    f1: 68385684764540665893611210958203650051u128,    f2: 242957950407643292263866366603922545911u128,    f3: 54648694067525505081604253854u128,    f4: 4082482497131797u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 129127208515966861317u128,    f8: 67815920917700628759894811536473776728u128,    f9: 296690334406880757170225743286084577448u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 153386052680309655679396867527014121204u128,    f13: 35972203959719964238382729092704599014u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 65537u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 194013037706606810471497707607567229514u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 293945546687975317560007689180664565828u128,    f29: 101319798806644299615994827200106732599u128,    f30: 288683837040491329007131885304923575713u128,    f31: 238936716134995001169573561693266943356u128  },  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64230461842459213854876536461822480708u128,    f23: 62729141095620952142801360698998932047u128,    f24: 143849141874647537468077485084531455339u128,    f25: 158423513593444577201225835437018140268u128,    f26: 109372291527157337602447472214371550545u128,    f27: 86645324449472246601531337146191921741u128,    f28: 88026069454382460688250206663376717159u128,    f29: 137296078894976326897348732728908139841u128,    f30: 117311701563535690054873511157550047828u128,    f31: 94621683947702260380930330556642702925u128  },  c7: {    f0: 157266585692263169432748518083816618295u128,    f1: 86677348170789000027156131147443557186u128,    f2: 162521268531709082938246788278115119159u128,    f3: 104038968442143258459157865742129909300u128,    f4: 60049831370206298086862839912815861828u128,    f5: 92065270838263588161724692358245264685u128,    f6: 102403394931704788846174182320797996114u128,    f7: 86744001382976675045910956351848401225u128,    f8: 137546180655561108076056018404869753191u128,    f9: 89678581623839706670222579498013315895u128,    f10: 13911653348267379143928883463380883815u128,    f11: 109616997758559601014350933934427423841u128,    f12: 157234559050145056110467932273002239827u128,    f13: 114720701137339631629859795251332461410u128,    f14: 157255307963199385955327972200009384258u128,    f15: 108094807033958817984488532228539573002u128,    f16: 70902625428892611236952963291692877175u128,    f17: 142566462633127032433531710020361869616u128,    f18: 87034648392996604956291596012756222279u128,    f19: 88130565149443671870324176594388781642u128,    f20: 90794921967916445037846635642051909684u128,    f21: 112057438767757703995190256887814518869u128,    f22: 88130827461549207523091912353999911497u128,    f23: 119880831756198184460899244703266522983u128,    f24: 108203921181293991924616096290221553495u128,    f25: 92118795085093294238435397575365903664u128,    f26: 132207609996927537498699975159394430037u128,    f27: 90851712725643296445717670572126652013u128,    f28: 90731885812260910872707057926404133206u128,    f29: 92159075952138897077551333410263680866u128,    f30: 114720701132697431966616368839344472387u128,    f31: 118920583898637034375179436867628646722u128  },  c8: {    f0: 120208391563958328903418431752285145928u128,    f1: 146496827975129713628545140622596143689u128,    f2: 162516038770122090537536818276459181893u128,    f3: 116184260795578461401620612162842740065u128,    f4: 97300828021546254909120508427600292423u128,    f5: 118931901008424116384729958666790529898u128,    f6: 100036301301652645797615676665268169834u128,    f7: 88259985781804142268996583522069936693u128,    f8: 120177358927007647960329552767271456359u128,    f9: 157281614327971246846144182102493985361u128,    f10: 96152543435324426254685485864430223665u128,    f11: 90732169228477843146456407899029977170u128,    f12: 143962642878211164384679925272543652712u128,    f13: 64080597579852368723578581181397102179u128,    f14: 141461154356937785131350677709217230435u128,    f15: 76027425043751003220509970687738075226u128,    f16: 76333687204450208078758577613038439540u128,    f17: 104215936829747759056653563243130086518u128,    f18: 150764531549494692607960815007211538518u128,    f19: 162536115989282966984643484707285716580u128,    f20: 108006593375585103515344389694009011819u128,    f21: 65471116944522798882642801786913697608u128,    f22: 135920100576416446773842260002668373077u128,    f23: 162546687390846958021578236361531540280u128,    f24: 86941307401230900785174445205576036458u128,    f25: 104195206872586117789496688062422275919u128,    f26: 73654539828148610787525649008678104943u128,    f27: 86760223015317314675068160783488144199u128,    f28: 153107513048634507624915175849216461364u128,    f29: 133334437843788124256415413717389227608u128,    f30: 60049826688636443598812574127591215442u128,    f31: 111994015668589605791723790244161858861u128  },  c9: {    f0: 2864421821820229u128,    f1: 0u128,    f2: 0u128,    f3: 0u128,    f4: 0u128,    f5: 0u128,    f6: 0u128,    f7: 0u128,    f8: 0u128,    f9: 0u128,    f10: 0u128,    f11: 0u128,    f12: 0u128,    f13: 0u128,    f14: 0u128,    f15: 0u128,    f16: 0u128,    f17: 0u128,    f18: 0u128,    f19: 0u128,    f20: 0u128,    f21: 0u128,    f22: 0u128,    f23: 0u128,    f24: 0u128,    f25: 0u128,    f26: 0u128,    f27: 0u128,    f28: 0u128,    f29: 0u128,    f30: 0u128,    f31: 0u128  }}"}

Response headers: - Content-Type: application/json

Response body:

Note: depending on the success value, either decodedData and decodedReport or errorString exist.

In decodedData, properties htmlResultType, requestBody, and requestContentType are optional strings.

For more information on the decodedData properties, see documentation for AttestationResponse in the Aleo Oracle documentation.

  "decodedData": {
    "url": "",
    "requestMethod": "",
    "selector": "",
    "responseFormat": "",
    "requestHeaders": {
      "Header name": ""
    "encodingOptions": {
      "value": "",
      "precision": 0
    "htmlResultType": null,
    "requestBody": null,
    "requestContentType": null,
    "attestationData": "",
    "responseStatusCode": 200,
    "timestamp": 0
  "decodedReport": {
    "data": "",
    "securityVersion": 0,
    "debug": false,
    "uniqueId": "",
    "aleoUniqueId": [
    "signerId": "",
    "aleoSignerId": [
    "productId": "",
    "aleoProductId": "0",
    "tcbStatus": 0
  "reportValid": true,
  "errorString": ""

Decoded report breakdown#

A decoded TEE report is returned in the decodedReport object. It was decoded from the request's report string, parsed, and verified.

Decoded report properties

name meaning
data 64 bytes of data that was signed by the enclave. In this case it's a Poseidon8 hash of decodedData (16 bytes)
securityVersion Enclave security version, which is bumped when a security patch is applied without changing the enclave code or data
debug Whether the enclave is running in a debug mode
uniqueId A unique ID of the enclave created by hashing the code and data of the enclave, 32 bytes
aleoUniqueId An array of 2 strings, where the uniqueId is encoded as 2 Leo values of type u128
signerId A hash of the enclave signer's key, which was used to sign the enclave's code and data, 32 bytes
aleoSignerId An array of 2 strings, where the signerId is encoded as 2 Leo values of type u128
productId Used to indicate different software modules within the same enclave, 16 bytes
aleoProductId A string of productId encoded as 1 Leo value of type u128
tcbStatus Trusted Computing Base - level of trustworthiness or security assurance
Example response
  "decodedData": {
    "url": "",
    "requestMethod": "GET",
    "selector": "daily.rain_sum.[0]",
    "responseFormat": "json",
    "requestHeaders": {
      "Accept": "*/*",
      "DNT": "1",
      "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests": "1",
      "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
    "encodingOptions": {
      "value": "float",
      "precision": 2
    "attestationData": "0.00",
    "responseStatusCode": 200,
    "timestamp": 1703169427
  "decodedReport": {
    "securityVersion": 1,
    "debug": false,
    "uniqueId": "WOJsqjAmTXTuSW83DN8EM6goCPE/smuIXT8eVNx6NN8=",
    "aleoUniqueId": [
    "signerId": "9H4s7YPOeZFug8XZRRRlc+Z7Vfit98IfkZsrDpb+Dxs=",
    "aleoSignerId": [
    "aleoProductId": "1u128",
    "tcbStatus": 5
  "reportValid": true